I started this blog in the summer of 2012 as a way to flex my creative muscles, write in a low-stakes, non-academic setting, learn a bit more about technology, and spend even more time on the Internets.
I'm a doctoral candidate in literature, meaning all I have standing between me and being Ph.inisheD is a dissertation, which I also started in the summer of 2012. I research and write about food and kitchens within 19th century American and Caribbean novels and narratives. I spend a lot of time in the library, hunched over my desk, and rifling through archives. I teach writing classes to undergraduates, and I love it.
The blog title was taken from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself." (In some editions, "lean" is misprinted as "learn", which is also kind of wonderful—I learn and loaf.)
This blog is a place to cultivate writerly inspiration, capture memories, dabble in things that are crazy, interesting, useful, and/or beautiful, and indulge in my creative aspirations. Thanks for stopping by!