
November in my Screen

Around the first of every month I get irrationally excited about downloading a new desktop wallpaper from Smashing Magazine. I love calendars and I love things that are seasonally appropriate. Combined, they make lovely backdrops for all those errant files and folders I'm always trying to corral. (Some of them are a little cartoony, but I've always found at least one gem every month.)

Fun fact: when I project my laptop in the classroom, the November desktop appears on the projector screen, no matter what month it is or what is set on my own screen. Then my students are all, "Um, it's June [or whatever non-November month it is]" and it's clear they think I'm a dummy who doesn't know how to change my desktop, but I know that it must be a phantom or that my laptop simply prefers November to all other months.

Some of my favorites from this year:

november_nostalgia__75 cookie_fun__44 happy_in_april__74 may-12-spring_dots__99-calendar-1024x768 june-12-beach__17-calendar-1440x900 july-12-sun_in_july__36-calendar-1440x900 
You can find all the wallpapers (or submit your own!) here.


  1. Have to admit that when I look at a wall calendar, I skip to my birthday month to check out the scene.


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