
Tinto de Verano

This is my version of tinto de verano ("red wine of summer"): simple and refreshing in these dog days of August, or, as the case was this afternoon, packed in a cooler and beach-bound.

This last-minute endeavor was put this together for two reasons: first, at the beach recently I saw a group of women drinking sangria from mason jars and thought doesn't that look nice. Second, I re-discovered a beach cooler gifted to my husband & me at our wedding that we've never used. I threw in whatever I had on hand in the fridge, but you can sub out the seltzer + agave combo for Sprite, and add/delete fruit to your liking. I used ginger-lemon seltzer (have you seen Polar's seasonal flavors? so good!) and tossed in ripe peaches, cherries, and limes and just a squirt of agave. I poured half in a thermos, half in a jar, threw in loads of ice, passed it around in Solo cups and it was just as nice as I suspected!


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