
Famous Authors' Workspaces (and a new series!)

Today I'm doing work in a historic athenaneum with a friend. The writing room is small but surrounded by books, dark cozy colors, busts of famous authors, and an actual card catalog. It looks like it should be the movie set of a grand old university library (versus what grand old libraries tend to look like in real life). And it pretty much demands I get Serious Work done, although I tend to sneak around the edges and check in on Facebook more than a Serious Writer should admit.

I've always been intrigued to see where writerly magic happens, whether it's a wood-paneled study or a TV tray. So I'm launching a new series that shows the fabulous work spaces of other bloggers. Come back tomorrow to see the first!

And to whet your appetite, here's a small round-up of the desks of famous authors. Click on the link below each for a short description and history of the space.

Roald Dahl:

Jane Austen
(so austere! I could learn a lot from this)


Charlotte Bronte:

Virginia Woolf:

1 comment:

  1. Ooo what a wonderful collection. I could certainly learn from these as well. My space leaves nothing to be desired. Can't wait for more inspiration


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